Hey, there! we did it! we made it to 2025! congrats, give yourselves a nice pat on the back! you deserve it! 2024 really was a trying year, but it also had a lot of up moments too!
like we successfully funded our first comic (Mega Maiden: Welcome Home! #1), and we tabled as Power Wave Comics for the first time ever at L.A Comic-con. and it was a blast! I gotta say tabling at a con is a very different experience than going as regular dude. lot less tiring on my legs for one hahaha
but while we’re on the subject of 2025 let’s talk about our first Kickstarter of the year! we came up short last year, so let’s try again. I rewrote and made it more sparkly and added some new rewards tiers. I even added a retail tier for comic shops too! that’s a first!
So, let’s see fi we can hit that goal this time around. let’s do this, y’all!